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Crime Countermeasure Theory Ⅰ Overview of Crime Prevention What are the risks?= Asset (자산), Vulnerability (취약성), Threat (위협) 보안 x 범죄 x 대책1) Crime: An act that violates criminal law2) Security: Control risks & Stay safe (kinds: Administrative, Technical, Physical)3) Prevention: Prevent crime in advance Risk Management1) Identification of Risk Scale = F (Asset x Vulnerability x Threat)*자산, 취약성, 위협 식별2) Evaluation of risks *위험평..
- Two types of Freelance Work Everything can be started on my own initiative and completed only with my own hands. It hasn't been that long, but I'm evaluating English content and training AI based on culture, history, etc.Since I had to write a lot in English while working this job, I think my writing skills have improved a bit. It is also good to get extensive knowledge about social and political issues.The best thing is t..
- Background Acting 'There is no experience that is not helpful' As far as I know, three main offices in Korea support background actors.I had an interview with one of them, and am currently able to work irregularly.I haven't started yet, so I'm not sure how this process works.But I'll be able to write a personal review within this week (without any mention of the drama).Tomorrow is my first day as a supporting act..
The Hiring Process "Be curious and Passionate about what you are trying to do" I am currently in the hiring process for several companies. So, I would like to record the preparation parts, including the final interview. [The Hiring Process] ** English ** Part 1) Resume & Job Search → Apply/ReviewPart 2) Recruiter Phone CallPart 3) Phone InterviewsPart 4) On-site InterviewPart 5) Offer *There are actually two areas..
Overview of Applied Cryptography ▪︎ Intro Kerckhoffs's principle, 'La CryptographieMilitaire' - 군사용 암호의 필수 조건 서술The security of the password depends only on the secrecy of the key, not the encryption/decryption process.(Under the assumption that the algorithm specifications of the ciphers & protocols are all disclosed) Enigma - 글자마다 서로 다른 치환 사용, 회전자 3개는 다르게 움직임 (암복호화를 위해 설정값을 알아야함)+ 같은 글자를 넣어도 반사판을 거치며 다른 글자가 나옴 (따라서, 반대로 안 나오는..
Hacking OverView ▪︎ Types of Hacking •Web HackingWeb Shell Attack, SQL Injection, File Uploading/Downloading Bypass, XSSCommand Injection, Web Proxy Abuse, Session Hijacking, Phishing, Pharming •System HackingPassword Cracking, Backdoor, NETBIOS Attack, Keylogger AttackBuffer Overflow Attack, Race Condition Attack, Privilege Escalation Attack ( SetUID )+ App/Software Hacking (Message Hooking, DDL Inject..
Symmetric Key [Encryption System] 양방향대칭키: 블록 암호 (데이터 전송/스토리지 저장)/스트림 암호(오디오/비디오 스트리밍)공개키 (안전한 키 배송 용도 - Public/Private-key)단방향 (Hash 함수)MDC 변경감지 코드 (무결성)MAC 메시지인증코드 (키이용-무결성+인증)Information Security (정보 보안성): 이론 상 깰 수 완벽한 안정성 만족, 효율성이 떨어짐Computational Security (계산 보안성): 합리적인 시간내에 깰 수 없는 정도의 안정성 만족 (보안성의 정량화)ㄴ ( 𝒕, 𝝐 ) 보안 : t- 공격자가 수행할 수 있는 연산 횟수, e-공격 최대 성공 확률예시) 128비트의 대칭키 암호는 2의 128승 (t/t/2의 128승) 이상의 공격량 ..