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Convergence Security/Hacking & Security

Hacking OverView

▪︎ Types of Hacking


Web Hacking

Web Shell Attack, SQL Injection, File Uploading/Downloading Bypass, XSS

Command Injection, Web Proxy Abuse, Session Hijacking, PhishingPharming


•System Hacking

Password Cracking, Backdoor, NETBIOS Attack, Keylogger Attack

Buffer Overflow Attack, Race Condition Attack, Privilege Escalation Attack ( SetUID )

+ App/Software Hacking (Message Hooking, DDL Injection, Code Injection, API Hooking)

+ Hardware Hacking


Network Hacking

ARP cache poisoning, DNS cache poisoning ( IP / ARP / DNS Spoofing )
FTP / Telnet / HTTP / POP3 / IMAP / Other Users ID & Sniffing / ICMP redirect, SSL MITM
LAND, SYN Flooding, UDP Flooding, Teardrop, Trinoo, TFN ( DOS / DDOS Attack )

▪︎ Process of Hacking

1. Reconnaissance/Foot Printing (정보 수집)

2. Scanning (취약점 분석)

3. Gaining Access (해킹)

4. Maintaining Access (해킹 환경 유지)

5. Covering Tracks (흔적 지우기)



▪︎ Types of Hacking Tools


◻︎ Network Scanning

Nmap (TCP, UDP, SYN) / Angry IP Scanner (host information) / Zenmap (interpret results of Nmap) / Advanced IP Scanner (remote shutdown & wake-on-LAN) / Fping (network diagnosis-ICMP pings) / SuperScan (host discovery/trace routing) / Unicornscan (TCP & UDP port scanner - support async) / Netcat (port scanning, file transfer, remote cmd-exe) /  NetScanTools (network diagnosis-traceroutes, DNS lookups) / Nessus (comprehensive network analysis with detailed reports)


◻︎ Vulnerability Scanning

OpenVAS (comprehensive security assessments & performance tuning) / Acunetix (scan & report vulnerabilities in web app)

Qualys Cloud Platform (monitoring & visibility - network, web app, endpoints of IT ecosystem) / Nexpose (scan & identify vulnerabilities in network assets, databases, web app, virtualization, cloud infrastructure) / SAINT Security Suite (vulnerability management, configuration assessment, penetration testing, incident response, reporting) / Nikto (web server scanner & tester) / GFI LanGuard (endpoint protection and patch management with a demo)


◻︎ Password Cracking

John the Ripper (supports hash & cipher types-Unix, Windows, macOS, WordPress, database servers, filesystem, archives) / Hashcat (distributed cracking networks) / Cain and Abel (pwd recovery tool for Windows - brute force, dictionary, cryptanalysis) / RainbowCrack (hash cracker for Windows & Linux / GPU acceleration) / Aircrack-ng (Wi-Fi network security - monitoring, packet capture, attacking, testing, cracking Wi-Fi passwords) / Hydra (login cracker - protocols: Cisco, HTTP(S), ICQ, IMAP, MySQL, Oracle, SMTP) / THC Hydra (support protocols such as FTP, SMTP, HTTP-GET) / L0phtCrack (pwd auidting & recovery) / Medusa (brute-force password testing against multiple hosts or users simultaneously)


◻︎ Exploitation

Metasploit (penetration testing framework) / Burp Suite (web app security testing tool) / Canvas (support 800+ exploits)

Core Impact (automated penetration tests & provide a library for exploitation) / Social-Engineer Toolkit (attacks via Java applets, credential harvesting, SMS spoofing) / BeEF (use attack vectors to target different web & contexts) / PowerSploit (test framework<ex, PowerShell scripts & modules> code execution, script modification, data exfiltration) / SQLMap (fetch data from a SQL database, access the underlying file system, and run operating system commands) / Armitage (visualize targets & provide recommendations for exploits & attacks) / Zed Attack Proxy (web app security scan & test)


◻︎ Packet Sniffing & Spoofing

Wireshark (network protocol analyzer and packet capture tool, that inspects protocols & file formats) / tcpdump (command-line network packet analyzer, specify filter (with description) to search for packets / Ettercap (live packet sniffing and content filtering + command-line and GUI interface) / Bettercap (Wi-Fi networks, Bluetooth connections, and 2.4GHz wireless devices) / Snort (Intrusion detection and prevention system, indicate malicious network activity & search for packets) / Ngrep (network forensic analysis tool, that extracts files, images, emails, passwords + network traffic in PCAP files) / Hping3 (command-line packet crafting and analysis tool, can send custom ICMP/UDP/TCP packets - firewalls) / Nemesis (packet crafting & injection tool, especially for Layer 2 injection)


◻︎ Wireless Hacking

Wifite (encrypted wireless network auditing tool) / Kismet (wireless network detector, sniffer, and IDS & test connections such as Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, Zigbee, and RF) / Reaver (brute-force attack tool for WPS - recover plaintext from WPA/WPA2 passphrase) / Fern Wi-Fi Cracker (crack & recover WEP/WPA/WPS keys) / Bully (WPS brute-force attack tool, improved memory & CPU performance) / CoWPAtty (brute-force WPA2-PSK password cracking tool, help users identify weak passphrases-pairwise masker key) / InSSIDer (Wi-Fi network scanning and troubleshooting tool - wifi configuration & nearby network)


◻︎ Web Application Hacking

Skipfish (security reconnaissance tool for Kali Linux, generates an interactive sitemap for security checks) / Grandel-Scan (automatic/manual web application scanning tool) / Vega (web vulnerability scanner and testing platform) / WebScarab / IronWASP


◻︎ Forensic 

EnCase (digital forensics and incident response software, support computers and mobile devices) / Autopsy / SIFT (toolkit for forensic analysis) / FTK (allows users to create full-disk forensic images and handles various data types) / X-Ways Forensics (advanced file carving & portable on a USB drive) / Helix3 Pro (make forensic images of all internal devices and physical memory across Windows, macOS, and Linux) / Foremost (especially for law enforcement purposes) / Scalpel / The Sleuth Kit (open-source library of digital investigation, investigate disk images and analyze volume and system data) / CAINE (a user-friendly graphical interface that provides tools and integrations with other software)


◻︎ Social Engineering

King Phisher (simulating toolkit) / Maltego (OSINT and link analysis tool with data sources, including Mandiant, Censys, PolySwarm, Splunk) / Wifiphisher (rogue access point framework for Wi-Fi security testing, web phishing attacks to capture user credentials and spread malware) / ReelPhish (automated tool for two-factor authentication phishing & supports multi-page authentication techniques) / Evilglinx (man-in-the-middle attack framework, that steals users’ login credentials and session cookies, allowing the tool to bypass two-factor authentication) / Ghost Phisher (wireless and ethernet phishing tool that supports webpage hosting, credential logging, Wi-Fi access point emulation, session hijacking) / GoPhish (phishing toolkit for organizations) / Credential Harvester Attack (Social-Engineer Toolkit (SET) for credential theft, clones a legitimate website and steals users’ login information and passwords)


+ Miscellaneous Tools

OpenSSL (source security toolkit for SSL and TLS cryptography) / Pcredz (tool for extracting different credential types from packet capture files, and support protocols, and logs all credentials to a single file for easy access) / Mimikatz (tool for extracting passwords and other credentials from Windows memory & perform credential theft attacks such as pass-the-hash and pass-the-ticket) / Sysinternals Suite (A free collection of Windows system utilities from Microsoft for debugging and security analysis)




