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☺︎ Daily-Life/Full-time Job Interviews

The Hiring Process

"Be curious and Passionate about what you are trying to do"


I am currently in the hiring process for several companies. 
So, I would like to record the preparation parts, including the final interview.


[The Hiring Process] ** English **


Part 1) Resume & Job Search → Apply/Review

Part 2) Recruiter Phone Call

Part 3) Phone Interviews

Part 4) On-site Interview

Part 5) Offer


*There are actually two areas in which developers can pursue their careers: IT management and Development.
Development positions mainly include online coding tests. (need to prepare this part separately)

+ Be ready to explain the Basics of Computer-Science & Data_Structure/Algorithm.

▪︎ My Strength & What I Did (ref. Resume - Skills & Experiences) For This Job.


▪︎ A Few Questions


▪︎ Expected Q & A  (*회사 제품조사 별도 & 내 방식으로 바꿔쓰기)

  • Why do you want to work for us? / Why did you apply for this job/company? (Career/Growth 방향성)
  • Why should we hire you? (Strength + 직무 이해도/기여 가능성)
  • What are your weaknesses?
  • What’s your career goal? Where do you see yourself in five years?
  • What are your salary expectations?
  • Can you tell me something about your education?
  • Can you tell us something more about your working experience?
  • What are your biggest achievements so far?
  • Tell me about how you handled a difficult situation.
  • When can you start a job?
  • What characterizes a good boss colleague from your point of view?

▪︎ Sudden Questions & Intro-Greetings



Part 1: Who you are, One sentence to introduce yourself professionally.

Say the title of your current role or an overarching statement of the kind of professional you are.



Part 2: Your highlight reel 2-4 points that make you stand out based on the role you are interviewing for, with more emphasis on recent accomplishments.



Part 3: Why you're here 1-2 sentences about why the company and role is a compelling opportunity.


"Figure out what they need"






