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📱 iOS Programming

[Swift] Collection Types & Higher Order Functions [Collection Types] Array(Ordered)var someInts: [Int] = []// var someIntss: [[Int]] = Array(repeating:Array(repeating:0, count:5), count:5)// 5x5// var someIntss: [[Int]] = Array(repeating:[Int](), count:5)// 5x5// String을 제외하고는, subscript로 접근 가능var arr = [[1,2,3],[2,3],[4]]var flattenInts = arr.flatMap {$0} // 2차원 -> 1차원으로 병합 // return optional// Swift 4.1 부터 -> flatMap {$0} .compactMap {$0} // ..
iOS Architecture # Four Abstract Layers of iOS□ Core OS: Security Services, Core Bluetooth, External Accessory, Local Athentication, Accelerate□ Core Services: Core Foundation/Data/Location & Webkit, CFNetwork□ Media: Core-Graphic/Animation/Media & OpenGL/AL, AVFoundation□ Cocoa Touch: UIKit, MessageUI, MapKit, PushKit, EventKitUI* Security Model/Layer [Hardware--Core OS]- Boot Chain Mechanism (Verify Certificat..
Dispatch Queue (Concurrency Control) Grand Central Dispatch (GCD): low-level API for managing concurrent operations. (Schedules threads in shared pool)= GCD is built on top of threads and manages a shared thread pool + decides which thread to execute them on.& GCD decides how much parallelism it requires based on the system and available system resources.* Doesn't work well in Simulators (CIDetector-x)* Attempting to synchronously ..
Overall Process 💻 Fundamental Development - Framework & Environment (Cocoa touch, UIkit, SwiftUI)- Libraries & APIs (JSON/Codable, URLSession/Alamofire)+ Network Protocol (Policy-Setting/Caching)- Debugging & Error Handling- Unit Tests (XCTest) - TDD- Build & Release (Fastlane) - CI/CD- Programming Language: Grammar/Structure/Mechanism (Swift/Node.js) + Algorithm (Considering Time/Space_Complexity) * What/When..