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📱 iOS Programming/🍎 Overview + Architecture

iOS Architecture

# Four Abstract Layers of iOS

□ Core OS: Security Services, Core Bluetooth, External Accessory, Local Athentication, Accelerate

□ Core Services: Core Foundation/Data/Location & Webkit, CFNetwork

□ Media: Core-Graphic/Animation/Media & OpenGL/AL, AVFoundation

□ Cocoa Touch: UIKit, MessageUI, MapKit, PushKit, EventKitUI

* Security Model/Layer [Hardware--Core OS]

- Boot Chain Mechanism (Verify Certificate/Signature at each stage & Encrypt) [Device → iOS Kernel]

- Sandbox (In Kernal, Access Control Technique) <System -- User Data Protection> & Code-Signing

# iOS App/Scene Life Cycle


- Not running

- Inactive

- Active

- Runs in the foreground & receives events

- Background

- Exists in memory in background state, but does not execute code

- Execute code without user interaction

- Suspended


App/Scene & View Controller - Life Cycle


# Code Examples

AppDelegate & SceneDelegate Functions


Session Lifecycle & MVC Pattern in iOS



To be continuted.. with MVVM & Clean Architecture








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