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☺︎ Daily-Life/Freelance Work (Translation & Coding)

How to avoid PayPal currency conversion fees :(

Work Comes again & again...
These days, I'm in the process of reviewing AI work, and I'm proud that my pay has gone up.
However, it is sometimes difficult to concentrate on work when coding and English are repeated.

Anyway, the biggest problem with PayPal is the currency exchange fees.
I was waiting for the exchange rate to rise (As of 2 days ago).
It seems like it's almost over 4%. If I use a service called xoom, I can save roughly 2-3%,

but it doesn't seem to be supported in Korea right now... I'm in a dilemma.


Usually, I charge a 3% fee and send it to Chase Bank, and when the exchange rate is good, I transfer it to Shinhan Bank. However, there doesn't seem to be much difference from sending money directly to a domestic bank using Paypal.
So I thought about using wirebarley in a roundabout way, but it is a meaningless action.

PayPal does not allow the use of foreign exchange deposits ($), and it is very frustrating.