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IT+Infrastructure/Product Analysis

Preview) IT-Infrastructure (Products * Solutions)

Data Center ?


A Physical location that stores computing systems and related hardware equipment.

This includes the computing infrastructure required for IT systems, such as servers, data storage drives, and network equipment. It is a physical facility that stores all of a company's digital data.


*Tape / HDD / SSD - Availability(Entry/Midrange/High-End)

- Interface Type (SATA/PCIe+NVMe-Connection Protocol)

- Storage: specific components to store data


[Connection / Storage-Type]


#  Use for the small-scale.

1) DAS (Direct Attached Storage): Server - Storage (1:1), Each server manages File Systems

Fast & Easy to Expand, But has Limitations because of the number of Connection Ports(Cables).

+ Depends on the host operating system


= [Block-Type Storage]: Store data by dividing it into certain blocks. Mainly used for structured data (SAN).
Access in various ways using the address and different OS can be accessed (partitioning)
But, It's expensive and difficult to process metadata, so it's hard to manage.


 Use for the purpose of data-sharing.

2) NAS (Network Attached Storage)

Excellent scalability and flexibility & Economical because of easy installation/maintenance, but slow.

+ stability & reliability

Because It shares the File System(Network), It has vulnerability and is hard to back up.

Network-Ethernet Switch - TCP/IP - SCSI/LAN

*Over-head can occur (OSI 7 Layers) while connecting the network.


= [File-Type Storage]: Consists of a hierarchical structure of files and folders.

ㄴ standardized & easy to use, but as data increases, performance decreases.


# Use for the mission-critical process(High-Performance)

3) SAN (Storage Area Network)(Block): Fiber-Channel Switch,

High-Speed and excellent scalability, but expensive.


# Especially for the unstructured data.

[Object Storage]: Image & Video 

It has a flat structure which allows for fast data access and good scalability.

Search is easy because Metadata is stored with the object itself.
However, it is difficult to modify the object and must be overwritten, so it is suitable for data that does not change frequently.