[Data Structure Overview] (Depending on programming language)
+ Heaps → Priority Queue
[Algorithm Overview]
- Binary Search (이진 탐색)
- DFS, BFS (깊이/너비 우선 탐색)
- Greedy (탐욕)
- Brute-Force Search (완전 탐색) -백트래킹/재귀/순열-조합 <DFS>
- Advanced Simulation (구현) - 문자열/시나리오
- Sort (정렬) - Insertion / Counting / Quick / Selection / Heap / Merge
- 최단 경로 - Floyd Warshall / Dijkstra's / Bellman Ford
- Kruskal's / Prim (크루스칼/프림)
- Prefix Sum (누적/구간-합)
- LCS/LIS (수열)
- Two Pointers & Sliding Window
- Euclid's (최대 공약수)
- Union-Find (유니온-파인드) 그래프 정점-집합
- Boyer-Moore Majority Vote (보이어무어 -문자열 검색)
- KMP (-문자열 검색)
- Longest common subsequence problem (최장 공통 부분 수열)
- Dynamic Programming (동적 프로그래밍)
- Bitmasking (비트 마스킹)
- Sieve of Eratosthenes (에라토스테네스의 체)
- +Segment Tree
- ...
Time Complexity of Data Structure & Algorithm
* Cites for practicing algorithm
'Computer Science > Data Structure' 카테고리의 다른 글
2. Queue (Linear Data Structure-FIFO) (0) | 2024.05.13 |
1. Stack (Linear Data Structure-LIFO) (0) | 2024.05.13 |